The Polytunnel project came about in late 2017 after Becca’s love for growing vegetables, dedication to her career in horticulture and falling in love with a young horse at South Brockwells Farm collided. A contra arrangement was hatched to enable Becca’s to own and keep Flash (the horse) at SBF in return for designing, managing and implementing the renovation and landscaping of the unused polytunnel and veg patch. The aim: to start producing organic vegetables for the onsite farm shop which provides the local community with delicious food that is produced on the farm or in the local area.
Combining Becca’s passion for localisation and sustainability along with qualifications in horticulture, garden design and permaculture; the project is now producing vegetables all year round and welcomes regular volunteers to gain their green fingers.
You can keep up with progress on the patch and watch regular facebook lives by following ‘The Polytunnel Project’ page.
Happy growing!